KCCA and Uganda Tourism Board Agree to Sponsor ASFAS 2017
Ahumuza Brian is one determined man. he knows the quality that he produces, and knows how to sell the idea to people. After partnering with Capital FM, he has not yet stopped.

Ahumuza’s next targets are government entities, and he has already approached Kampala City Council Authority, the organizers of the Kampala City Canival, and Uganda Tourism Board, the body in charge of tourists around the country.
After Jack Pemba threw a large sum, and sky beach showered the fashion designer with good news, there are still more blessings on the side of the Abryanz awards.
The two governement bodies have agreed to sponsor the event. News coming in is that the Abryanz boss and his people engaged the Chief Executive Officer of Uganda Tourism Board, Mr Stephen Asiimwe into a meeting, during which he expressed his , willingness to be one of the sponsors of the Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards

That very same day, the Deputy Public Relations Officer of KCCA, Robert Kalumba was also approached, who gave a positive response to the entire idea.

The Abryanz team posted:
“We thus take this opportunity to thank KCCA and UTB for believing in the ASFAs and all that we stand for. We promise to use their support to deliver a ceremony that is going to help both government bodies achieve their expectations.”
This will be announced in a press conference to make it official. However, we have the good news already.

The shirts for the event are out to, and just like Jack Pemba, KCCA and Uganda Tourism Board, we need to support this event.

Buy one Shirt, vest or cap at the Abryanz Collection store, Garden city at 30,000 shs as we get ready for the fashion takeover this December.
ASFAS 2017 Recieves Another Boost From Sky Beach, Freedom City