Is Judith Babirye’s Wedding Invalid?
What happens in the dark always come out in the light. Judith Babirye, on Saturday, held a secret introduction ceremony, with MP for Buikwe North, in Entebbe. Before the two joined hands, there were various rumors that this was a married man that the singer, and fellow Member or parliament, stole from another woman. Our sources now report that there are high chances of this ceremony being invalid, and this is why
According to different lawyers, and Provia Nangobi, the spokesperson for the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB), Judith is still registered as married to her first husband, Samuel Niiwo and the marriage has not been dissolved.

According to an extract from the New Vision, Samuel also confirms that they were given a period to reconcile, but this had not elapsed. The two have not yet signed divorce papers to end their marriage officially. This makes them still legally married. Samuel can still sue the gospel singer for Bigamy.
“When you file for divorce, court gives you an interim decree (decree absolute) with hope that within six months, you will reconcile. If you do not reconcile and court has not given you a divorce decree, it means you are still legally married,” Kentaro of Kentaro Mugerwa and Co Advocates
We will keep you posted as the case develops.