Is Black Panther Taking Over our Music Industry?
Ever since the release of the Black Panther Movie, we cannot deny that the epidemic has swept over the entire world. Kid masks are being manufactured, and various costumes sold. People now days make Black Panther poses in their photographs, let us admit we are infected. Our Ugandan artists have also deeply entered into this Wakanda situation. Videos coming out right now are purely Black Panther inspired.
Champion by Jose Chameleone. There is a short scene that was included in this video, with space ships flying up and down. Movie inspired or Nay?

32 by Spice Diana. The video has the typical Black Panther costumes worn by Spice and Weasel. Movie Inspired or Nay?

Maro, has just released a photo, seated on a Wakanda chair, and he has some news for us!He posted;
We are embracing and proud of black panther and we believe it represents all of us. Having a theme in our parties and videos is not shooting another movie with the same story! Bera easy gwe atakopa okole ebibyo Tulabe oba tunayagala okubikopa mzee.”
Is Black Panther infecting our music industry?