“If religion leads to a life of shame and lies, flee from the poison.” Stella Nyanzi Comments on Val Kalende’s switch
Stella Nyanzi has something to say to recently switched gay activist, Val Kalende. Read below;
Sexuality is fluid and flexible and changing and in flux. I have been around the Ugandan LGBTIQ community long enough to know this because I have observed all sorts of switches, changes, shifts, developments, transformations, conversions, etc in individuals, couples and communities. I have seen the pendulum swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
And so Val Kalende’s publicized testimony about converting from lesbianism into heterosexuality is not shocking to me. She is not the first homosexual to make public declarations about converting back to heterosexuality. Religion does all sorts of things to people. We know the long list of so-called Ex-Gays who were paraded around Uganda by Pentecostal homophobes. We know how some of them faithfully married heterosexual spouses, and how some of them swing it both ways, and even how some of them relapsed back into selling homosexual services to any buyer. Gay, Ex-Gay, Ex-ex-gay… we know you!
What is important is that the Ugandan queer movement cannot reduce or denigrate the great and varied contributions that Val made to the early grassroots organizing. Secondly, Val’s lesbian, bisexual and transgender ex-lovers and friends must neither doubt nor question their own identities. Val’s sexuality is Val’s business not ours! Val is going through another interesting transition and needs our love and understanding even in this moment. Thirdly, religion is both powerful and dangerous. It has long tenterhooks that can reach even the strongest among us. Val’s religious confession should not generate confusion in the LGBTIQ communities in Uganda.
As the pendulum swings back and forth, pray that each individual finds the courage to live a life that is true and fulfilling. Live and let live! If religion helps one to find one’s truth, embrace it. If religion leads to a life of shame and lies, flee from the poison.