Girl “Predicts” Abiriga’s death. Fools Ugandans
The beauty with smart technology is that you can fool hundreds of people. With photo shop, people have managed to visit the furthest and fanciest places on earth. A few days ago, a photo took over social media, of a face book post made in May, suggesting the time when Abiriga will pass on. The post received massive comments and shares, making it circulate all round the country. The Honorable Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga also got a hold of it, and may have said something. Norbert Mao posted on his twitter;

“During the parliamentary session to pay tribute to the late Hon. Ibrahim Abiriga today, the Speaker also fell for this misleading post resulting from an edit. The post is being peddled as prophesy. Parliament Uganda, please protect the Speaker from fake News.”
This teaches us to be careful before we make conclusion. Jane Kuli, should be careful too, because you could be arrested, or worse still killed, by people who think you may have had something to do with it.