Gaagaa Buses Back on The road
For those traveling to the Northern part of the country, the pressure is about to be reduced. A few days back, the manager of Gaagaa Buses, James Nyakuni announced on NTV news, that they will be resuming their work on the road. The Transport Licensing Board has lifted the one-month ban on the bus company, as they have satisfied all the conditions presented to them.

Some of these conditions include the following. Gaagaa Buses had to undergo road worthiness inspection and all the drivers were to be re-tested. From what we know, the bus company managed to check their buses and test their drivers. About twenty drivers passed the first stage of the test, and the Bus company is waiting for the second lot to sit. Our sources also report that the ban has been reduced, simply because of continuous negotiations with government.
Gaagaa Buses were banned from the road after three consecutive accidents, on the same highway. This claimed the lives of over twenty people, leaving many others injured and hospitalized.