Father Lokodo Attempts To Ban MTN Nyege Nyege Festival 2018
Just hours away from the MTN Nyege Nyege, a festival that celebrates Art, Culture and creativity, Father Lokodo wrote a letter requesting for a ban on the concert. The Bazukulu on the Internet went wild, since some of them had already bought their tickets, where as others had traveled distances to come and celebrate one of Ugandans most praised events. Let us also recall that over the past few months, the Uganda youth have been the most dissatisfied, especially after the introduction of the OTT taxes, and the arrest of their favorite MP Bobi wine.

In a letter, the Ethics and integrity minister linked the event to the homosexuality movement. He also suggested that such occasions threaten the National Integrity of the country. They may put the citizens at the risk of Sexual immorality.

The event is meant to take place on the 8th and 9th of September, at Jinja Nile Resort Hotel. It will attract thousands of people from all over the world. Many youth had planned to boycott the Kampala City Carnival in case the function was banned.

Father Lokodo has been famous because of his numerous fights against mini skirts, pornography and homosexuality. Do you think this time he is right?