Dr Stella Nyanzi Faints During Arrest
Our Social Media activist, writer and anti-government doctor, Stella Nyanzi has been rushed to Naguru hospital. This followed from an arrest that led her into unconsciousness. The lady collapsed and was transferred using a Uganda Police Vehicle. We learned of this, from a social media post by Saasi Marvin, her lawyer, who is currently running her social media pages.
“Dr. Stella Nyanzi has been dumped unconscious at Naguru Hospital by a Uganda Police Force truck after being hurtled from Central Police Station where she collapsed from.
She had gone to CPS to check on Obed Obedgiu Kwokuboth Jalmeo and Musiri David who are both currently detained there following their peaceful protest against the #SocialMediaTax.

It is unfortunate that she lost her valuable Canon EOS 1100D camera which had treasured photographs of her family, footage and photos from Saturday’s #WomensMarchUg protest, as well as today’s #SocialMediaTax protest at Buganda Road Court.
The camera was discovered missing after Dr. Stella’s bag in which it was kept was returned later by one of the presumed police ladies who had been ordered to lift Dr. Stella onto the police patrol truck that took her to Naguru Hospital.
We take strong exception at the inhumane nature in which Dr. Stella has been treated by Police officers who are duty bound to respect her bodily integrity, besides protecting her and her property.” he posted