Douglas Lwanga rejects Offer to move to Kenyan Television
Image: Congratulations DouglasIt looks like TV presenter Douglas lwanga is not only a hot cake in Uganda but across East Africa. The latest on our desk is that Lwanga who is barely two months old at his new work station has been approached by TV stations in Kenya hunting for him.
The purple party bos is being sought for by kenya’s KTV and Kiss Tv who want him to cross over to Uhuru’s Land with promises to even triple his current pay. While many would run at the offer with open arms,Douglas has rejected the offer for now saying it is not yet time for him to move.
“True i have been approached by some stations through a friend but i have decided to stay. I have a family here and it would not make alot of sense moving them at a time when i am also still settling down.” he said. “Moving to Kenya would be like a starting all over again” he added.
Meanwhile at NBS he has not been identified for a permanent show besides co host After 5 with Kats