Did You Know? There’s a Bean Variety Called Kanyamunyu?
We all love to eat beans, but just because we are not agriculturalists, we do not bother to know the different varieties. Thanks to Harvest Money Expo, many of us have learnt about the variety called Kanyamunyu.
At Namboole stadium, many people hurried to showcase the new farming techniques they have. It is an event that joins and links buyers, sellers and farmers, to share ideas. Over 100 exhibitors crowded, with various skills to showcase. Machines, tractors, Best practices and different varieties were on the table. There were a series of training, and different books sold during the three day event. This event provided a platform to show crop varieties eg pumpkins and beans.

Forget the Kanyamunyu who shot a man in a Ugandan parking lot. Also called Namunye, it is named after a bird that shares the same name/ pied wagtail, which is black and white.
The most famous typed of beans we have grown up knoowing are Kanywbwa, the red with black patches, and the usual yellow beans. However, Kanyamunyu, is also facing extinction.
Listed by one of our sources a the bean varieties that are resistant to climatic conditions, we have kasiriira, kanyarwanda, mahega, gantagasize, kishoga, kanyamunyu, kanyobwa, kiribwa ogwejegiire and kankurye-mbarukye.
This is just a few of the types out there. Before you feed on these delicious protein sources, learn the names first. Happy beans eating!