Celebrities bash Bryan White for humiliating Weasel
Image: Socialite Bryan WhiteSocialite Brian White has all the money, but it cannot buy him respect. He is not well-liked by many Ugandans.
The cocky money bags is facing harsh criticism from a list of celebrities after he publicly disrespected Goodlyfe half singer, Weasel Manizo.
At a recent gathering, Brian White summoned Weasel like a houseboy and this has not gone well with his fans.
Weasel was hired by Brian White Foundation as their main entertainer for their functions.
On Thursday, Goodlyfe management announced that they had terminated their dealings with their client, Brian White saying they couldn’t tolerate him anymore.
This decision has been backed by many celebrities like Salvador Idringi, Douglas Lwanga and Michael Ross among many others.
“Brian you are so insolent. Yes, you have the money, but you cannot explain the source of it. Weasel is a king. He has proven that over the years. Brian, you won’t disrespect our king,” part Salvador’s rant.
“Weasel’s brand should not be disrespect because someone has got money. I happy for the decision the Goodlyfe management has taken,” wrote Douglas Lwanga.