Bryan White Invited by The Kabaka At the Opening of the 2018 BIKA tournament
There is nobody in this country, that has not yet recognized what Bryan White has done for the country so far. If I was the president, I would even be scared of my seat being grabbed by this don. The Kabaka of Buganda, Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, led the opening of the Bika (Clan’s) tournament 2018, and he invited Bryan White to be part of the event.

The event is taking at St Mary’s Kitende, and various persons attended from the Buganda Kingdom, to watch the different clans battle it out. Bryan White foundation was part of the team, and we already know how much they love and actively support football. There was a match between Empindi and Olugave, and the match was heated.

The tournaments started back in the early 200s with various winners taking the cup. Some include; Mbogo in 2015, Mmamba in 2003, 2011 and 2014, and many others. We wish them a wonderful tournament.