Bobi Wine Offers Gifts To Sheikhs of Kyadondo East
Ramathan is coming to an end, and we are all ready to celebrate with our Muslim brothers and Sisters. Various celebrities have already shown support towards this cause, and one of them is Spice Diana. Singer/ Member of Parliament, Bobi Wine, also showed some love to his constituency yesterday.

The people of Kyadondo East are indeed lucky to have voted for a leader that supports the needs of his people. Bobi Wine and Barbie carried some food items to the Sheiks of Kyadondo East, to prepare them for the last day of fasting. He posted on his twitter;
“As we come closer to the end of #Ramadhan, my wife & I carried some food items for Iftar today to the Masjid in Kasangati where Sheikhs who lead the 38 Masjids in Kyadondo East converged. May He make these last days of fasting easy on you. لسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ As-salāmu ʿalaykum”

Happy Eid to all Muslims around the world