Bobi Wine Lights Up Adjumani Town on Women’s Day
Among all the singers that have performed in the West Nile region, I would say this has been the most awaited. Since last year, many expressed their interest in the visit of singer/ Bobi Wine on the stages in Adjumani. He finally landed on Women’s Day and the venue was entirely full.
From a warm welcome on the streets to a long and musical night. There has been two major weaknesses with artists performing in the West Nile Region of Uganda. One is that they re do only songs that do not appeal to the crowd. The crowds are many, but constantly remain dull, regardless of the artist’s efforts. Secondly, they hit the stage late night, and a perform limited number of hits.

The people wanted and loved Bobi Wine’s sty;e. He did a mashup of all his songs, from the years he started music. “Kamwokya” was one of the hits that stirred up the crowd. The people screamed and sang along with him through the entire chorus. Following the ban of his music from radio stations, Robert Kyagulanyi has been doing tours around the country.

Currently, he has concentrated in creating music that fights for freedom and a better government. This is the channel he has used to drive his political career. Bobi Wine melted the stage with other songs such as Abalungi balumya, Aidah,Mukama Yampa etc.