Why are most beautiful women always unlucky in love?
Image: Julianna has openly struggled through such issues“How can a beautiful woman like you be Single?” this is a statement many a woman have heard at least once in awhile. But have you ever stopped for a while to think why the women we describe as “very beautiful” seem to be unlucky in love? Here is a break down.
Some men are intimidated by this kind of beauty.

Crazy as it seems, people may believe that this woman is out of their league making it hard to approach her. Additionally since she gets a lot of attention, some men may subconsciously believe that she is proud and conceited.
Fear of competition.

Some men believe that having a beautiful woman is too much work in the sense of having to ward off several men trying to court her. Always having to check who is talking to her or trying to pull a move is constant work which some men are willing to avoid.
She is a prize.

One major issue you will hear beautiful women complaining about is how men “use and dump” them. Much as some men are intimidated, some are super confident just to say the famous “I hit it first” aka bragging rights.
Whatever any man’s reason is for avoiding or approaching a gorgeous woman, men should always remember that woman are not objects of desire and conquest. Their feelings matter and should always be put first in any relationship.