APASS the goat runs Backwards, disappoints Bebe Cool at the Royal Ascot Goat Race 2018
Bebe Cool was not so impressed after his goat failed to win the race. The goat apparently did what this hit maker least expected, even afterb the great investment made in it.
“Imagine buying a goat for the goat race at one million, naming it APASS and all it does is to run back wards.
OBUSUNGU.??” Bebe posted on his wall.

The goat was bought during the launch of the Munson you Ascot Goat race. The singer had cited that his goat was a replica of fellow musician APASS. He said they resembled, and the goat even sang Didadada.. Well APASS took all this positively, and he constantly shared on social media that what this International hit maker actually meant is that he is a G.O.A.T Greatest Of all Times. But Bebe was not the only one. Other peole gave their goats names such as OTT and Salvado
Many swam to Munyoyno for the event, just to confirm whether the artist’s goat would emerge successful. There you have it. Looks like APASS may have to be eaten now.