Apass in another Hilarious Twitter Stunt threatens to quit Music
Image: APASS sleeping like a babyApass aka the twitter noise maker is at it again. After being blocked by Be be cool for being a troll, he continues his struggle to be relevant on the gossip scene.
Rather than put out good music like he has done in the past, he has threatened to quit Music and be a full-time baby sitter. Well, now that we are talking about it he has surely achieved his 15 minutes of fame.
APass posted, “Breaking News God is going to do something so big in your life that it will shock your enemies and change your life if you keep going and believing good things can happen to you, You are so blessed to be stressed by challenges on your way, so don’t stop, just keep walking and you will reach your destination. Keep going because one day someone is going to be inspired, encouraged or strengthened by your story. Keep your head high even when things get tough because God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.”
we shall keep you posted