Amazing Things To do on 31/12/2017 Night

Are you as fired up for the New year as I am? Are you confused about what you should do on the night of the 31st? Then you are reading the right blog. Here are amazing things you can do with your friends on 31/12/2017

Fireworks on 3/12/2017

This is the commonest, and probably the one that everyone has planned to do. There are plenty of places in the country that have a wonderful firework display like Sheraton and Serena Hotels. Grab a friend, and spend the night watching colors in the sky.

Watch amazing fireworks

Overnight Prayers

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The power that you feel as you pray on the night of New Years Eve is unlike any other. You can also spend the night with God, as you usher Him into the new year. There will be plenty of people of all Faith singing glory and praise into 2018.

Spend New Years Eve with God

Hold a small barbecue

It is much easier to cook large meals on Christmas, than it is, on New YEARS Eve. Buy a variety of meats, call up a few friends and have a small drink up and berbecue. You can all make the countdown together, as you celebrate the new year.

Roast meat with family and friends. Meat being roasted at the carnival

Spend time with a loved one

When we where youner, we used to dream about what it would be like to kiss at exactly 12.00. This is the time to b try it out. Rent a nice hotel room for you and your partner, or send the kids away from home. Enter into the new year together and make love from 2017 to 2018 within a space of an hour.

About this writer:


Always excited for no particular reason

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