“NBS TV News Anchors Wear Too Much Make up” Sylvia Owori Points Out

As a journalist, there are various codes of conduct you must live by, because you carry the reputation of the entire media house you represent, on your shoulders. Any error you make puts the TV/Radio/ Newspaper at a risk. Fashion designer, and brains behind African Woman Magazine, Sylvia Owori is not amused with NBS TV. She explains that they cause destruction to viewers. In a tweet she made her views known that the news anchors of the TV station put on too much make up.

One of the News Anchors from NBS TV station

“Your women news anchors wear too much makeup, and over accessorize it is very destructive to the viewer concentration is on their looks not the news .” She tweeted on 9th April at 12.17pm

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 Regardless of this, we still know that NBS always gives us the fastest, boldest and updated news. Do we think Sylvia Owori’s observation is true?

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Always excited for no particular reason

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