President Museveni Dumps Kayihura and Tumukunde. Appoints new IGP and Security Minister

H.E President Museveni, the president of Uganda, has just announced that he is dropping his former IGP and Minister of security. This showed up in a press release on 4th of March 2018. The president decided to let go of General Kale Kayihura, and Henry Tumukunde.

These have been engaged in public petty fights and disagreements. They have often times argued over small things, hence disrupting the peace of the country. Tamale Mirundi, on several occassions warned the president about the effects of these two major people in his government.


In the statement in which the president delivered the news, he also mentiomed the replacements in these two offices. It read;

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“In the Exercise of the powers vested in the President by Articles 113 (1) and 213 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I hereby appoint General Elly Tumwiine as Minister for Security, Mr. Okoth Ochola as the Inspector-General of Police and Brigadier Sabiiti Muzeei as the Deputy Inspector General of Police.”

This news comes as a shock, after the president had awarded Kayihura an increase in term till 2020. This, he did in May 2017. The president informed people about the reshuffle on his social media pages.

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Always excited for no particular reason

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