Nsenene Time of The Year

There are things that make Uganda unique and one of the best countries to live in. One of them is Nsenene.

November is here and once again it is that time of the year when it rains green insects in the night.

Grasshoppers waiting to be caught


Late at night, households, business people and hungry animals all gather up to pick enough grasshoppers to meet their needs.

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They are usually armed with buckets, jugs, sacks, and any container that can gather up the green fleshy and fat flying insects.

Early morning, as you pass by different city market centers, various women are seated down, plucking off the wings of the delicacy.

This is the processing stage, after which Nsenene prices climb to a higher level. They are packaged in different transparent polythene, and sold at a price starting from 1000 Uganda Shilligs.

on sale

Some business people however, choose to fry them and sell to different pedestrians in small portions. The taxi park is always full of people selling the crunchy delicacy, in either pans, or on top of card boards.

“Nsenene, hot one!” You can hear them call. The smell whisks you away as you cross by, and you are not able to resist the temptation of pulling out some money.

Being sold in pan

At the cooked stage, Nsenene is now expensive, an three tablespoons are 1000 Uganda shillings. The yummy thick insects, ooze out an aroma, as the oily cooked yellow abdomen mixes up in your mouth.

There are also canned Nsenene in various supermarkets around the country. You can eat Nsenene whenever you want to.

Caution: Don’t forget to buy yourself some this evening. However, don’t eat it in public because it is irresistible, and some people do not like it.

About this writer:


Always excited for no particular reason

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