Miss curvy Uganda registers high participant turn out amidst criticism

Miss curvy franchise has been a subject of controversy since minister for tourism Kiwanda unveiled it as a tourist attraction opportunity for the country.

Women and men alike including fellow minister for ethics fr. Simon Lokodo claimed the contest is being held in bad taste and is degrading to women. The CEO is however laughing all the way to the bank as the participants are u bothered and turned out in large numbers to register for the pageant.

“This event is a beauty pageant for the natural-plus-size, which we must embrace and appreciate beauty queens to express themselves. So appreciate their intellect and clear the impression that a beauty queen must be size zero. Brazil has a carnival, are they selling their women? Tourists go to see the Karimojong, the Masai, and the Batwa; are they up for sale? Curvaceous women are eye-catching people unless they are saying we restrict beauty pageants to only slim ladies.”

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About this writer:

Desiree Miller

I'm a whole lot of "what not to expect."

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