Five Things to Keep You Busy as You Look for Work

Unemployment is such a depressing situation, and can make u ou hate life for what it is. The worst case is when you send out applications and no reply seems to be coming through. Well, here are amazing ways to keep yourself busy during this period.

5. Crochet.  This may be old school, but it is amazing the number of things you can make with just a thread. They come in many volours, are cheap and affordable, but you can end up selling your output for a ten times more.

crocheted skirt

2. Reading. You could read a good book. There are a variety, ranging from novels, to inspirational  and scientific bools. They will help to build on your creativity, and who knows, maybe you could end up taking writing as a professional. and forget about employment.

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read books

3. Baking. One thing we should all learn is how to bake. It will be very helpful both now and in future. There are alot of pastries to work on, like daddies, doughnuts and sumbis incase you do not have an oven. Try out different recipes and styles, serve it to your friends and see what they think.


4. Take Classes. If you have some extra cash from remittences, or other business, you could inject it into learning a new skill. You could take up a short course, or if guitar classes, dance classes and swimming classes. It will help keep the mind refreshed.

Take guitar lessons

5. Blogging and Vlogging. Sometimes, you just want to write up setting and tell people about it. You could also record short videos of yourself discussing topics for the public. People turn into public speakers by starting like this. It is an opportunity to discover other talents.

Grab a camera

About this writer:


Always excited for no particular reason

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