GNL Zamba disses Kanye for giving President Museveni Yeezys instead of Food for Ugandans
Faded lugaflow rapper GNL Zamba has dissed Kanye West for giving Museveni Yeezys instead of money for food and clean water.
“It does not matter whether you give or not, it is what you give that matters when you do.”” he said.
The Ugandan rapper believes that Kanye West’s visit is not a genuine one in the interests of the East African country but rather a pawn of sorts to effect Kanye’s music business.
He continues to that Kanye is a ‘Black Judas’ who cares about his own interests before those of thousands of people. For an example, Zamba points out Kanye’s visit to the State House where he gave President Museveni a pair of his Yeezy shoes instead of a deal to provide people with better needs like clean water.
For someone who ran away from Uganda instead of contributing to that Clean water and food GNL really has a big mouth.