Ugandan Celebrities Join Wildlife anti-poaching Campaign

Some of the celebrities in Uganda have decided to do something to protect wildlife. Musicians, Irene Ntale and Maurice Kirya, plus Kansiime Anne, Uganda’s popular comedian have joined the “poaching steals from us” awareness campaign.

The team

According to various sources, this awareness action is to educate the public about the importance of different animals in the country, that are victim to poachers.

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The campaign was launched by Uganda Wildlife Authority, Uganda Conservation Foundation and Wildlife Aid Uganda. These chosen celebrities are to take part in different short adverts and documentaries that communicate and explain to the public, the cultural and economic importance of preserving wildlife.

Irene Ntale is part of the campaign

In addition to this, the campaign wants to eradicate bush meat poaching and illegal killing of the already few species of animals that we have in the country today.

“Ugandans are rightly extremely concerned that their natural and cultural heritage is being threatened by poachers and the illegal trade in wildlife,” said Michael Keigwin, the founder of Uganda Conservation Foundation.

In addition to this, the Executive director of Uganda Wildlife Authority, Andrew Segura also explained that they were responsible for looking for new innovative ways to promote conservation of wildlife in Uganda today.

This is a very brilliant move indeed and I believe the characters in play are going to do an amazing job.

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Always excited for no particular reason

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