Find Mediina Nantaba

The rate of kidnap of women in Uganda has gone high. What was once one of the most safe countries in the world, has turned out to be a place where women are scared of moving at any time of the day. In the previous months, over twenty five girls/ females have been kidnapped and majority found dead. The killers usually ask for ransom from some of the families. NTV Uganda has cried out for Mediina Nantaba, to be found. They posted;

‘MISSING PERSON: Mediina Nantaba a 34-year old female and sister to one of our colleagues at NTV disappeared from her family around the areas of Mattuga on Saturday 7th.

If seen please call 0700118988 or 0700342297 or report to a nearby police station.”

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Let us work together and find Mediina wherever she is. The TV Station further indicates that  the victim suffers from mental illness and could be wondering in areas around Kawanda, Maganjo or Kawempe, and other areas around Kampala. We hope she is well and safe.

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Always excited for no particular reason

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