Parliament To Start Its own TV and Radio Station
Image: Uganda's Prime Minister, standing center-left, addresses Members of Parliament in Kampala, Uganda Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017. Ugandan police on Thursday fired tear gas to disperse protesters and arrested dozens of people opposed to plans to introduce legislation that could allow the longtime president Yoweri Museveni to extend his rule. (AP Photo/Ronald Kabuubi)There is enough evidence to show that our members of parliament want a little bit of everything within this country. They are on the move to establish their own media network, called Parliament TV , and Radio. This is in it’s final stages, and every parliamentarian, including the Speaker, Rebecca Kadaga supports the move..
According to the Director for Communication, and public affairs, Chris Obore, private media stations have alot of engagements. They thus cannot give parliament 24-hour coverage. He explained that the August House, requires a platform which will provide continuous updates on proceedings in the chambers.

According to Parliament’s Official Website, Jowat Enterprises Uganda was awarded the contract to set up the Parliament Radio on January 19, 2018. The Radio project, of 350 million Shillings will be sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
With this radio station in place, the parliament of Uganda will have their activities covered throughout the day. Since various surveys also show that radios are owned by majority of the population, it will be an effective way to pass on information.