Weasel To Travel to USA for Two months Vacation
Since February 1st, the country has been in grief. It has not been an easy month for the friends and family of Mowzey Radio. Weasel, his companion, and fellow member of the Good life Crew, is one of the people who have felt the most pain.This is because the death of the man he called a “brother”, came as a shock, not only to himself but to all their fans. We have come to learn that to recover from this trauma, Weasel is traveling to USA for a vacation.
The two have gone through a lot together, and built a music career that was on it’s road to the international market. Weasel is now alone, and this, can traumatize this young talent forever. The face book post by the administrator of their page read;
“Weasel will be currently going on a retreat to USA for two months to freshen up as he recovers from the loss of his dear brother and friend Mowzey RADIO that passed on early this month”
This is a good move, and we believe will help Weasel recover from this shock. May the Lord strengthen him.

Radio died in a club scuffle, at De Bar, in Entebbe. He was assaulted and beaten to unconsciousness. The talented singer was transferred to Case Hospital, and he breathed his last. May his soul rest in peace.
Also read https://www.ghafla.co.ke/ug/5642-2/