4525 UCE results Withheld over Mal practice
Exam Mal practice in Secondary schools has always played a lead role in determining the students accessing higher institutions. Many schools in the country have been suspects or victims in this particular vice. Following the release of UCE examination results by UNEB yesterday, UNEB has withheld a total of about 4525 student’s results.

Uganda National Examination’s Board Chairperson, Ms Okwakol, explained. Of the 81 suspects arrested by the police and 78 of them are teachers. Ms Okwakol said that the number of people arrested is high because all the people involved were reported to police.
“UNEB is withholding results of 4,525 candidates (1.4% of candidates who sat) from 112 centers suspected to have involved themselves in various forms of examination malpractice”She mentioned.
Mal practice includes; leakage of examinations and students coping from one another. smuggling of reading material into the examination room and teachers guiding students in answering. According to our sources however, we confirm that regardless of the rumors that papers where leaked in the second week, there was nothing extra ordinary in the exams that confirmed this.

“There was nothing out of the ordinary in the performance that shows that the papers were leaked” UNEB executive director, Dan Odongo said.