Bebe Cool Releases Freedom Video. Watch Here!
The gagamel boss, Bebe COOL has released yet another one. His song Freedom is out and available for download and streaming.
Just when we thought only the Ghetto President had a freedomfighter’s mindset, Bebe Cool has swept the tabloids away, with his brand new video, Freedom. He posted on his twitter;
Brand new video freedom out now. I can’t find enough words to thank you all for the love and support you showed.
The beauty about this video is the storyline. Whoever produced it thought carefully about the lyrics and matched them to the scenes being played. A young child, fighting for his freedom, regardless of what is around him. He ties up his kite and launches it in the air, looking for his own happiness amidst this world. Watch below.
According to previous information, This video was shot to show support for the Southern Sudanese in Uganda. He made it in Bidi Bidi settlement, West Nile. The song was made in solidarity, and the video shows a refugee setting.

The song, Freedom also carries a modern touch to it, with a slow, silent verse, and an a top notch chorus. It tends towards a mixture of slow rock and RnB.
Let us start downloading this amazing song as soon as now. You can show support for the current situation in the North and West Nile areas that have been hospitable to the refugees from Southsudan. Thank you Bebe Cool. The video is amazing.