UNEB Removes Ordinary Level Practical Examinations
If you did any of the science disciplines in High School, then you know that the papers that give the highest marks are Chemistry, Biology and Physics Practical Examinations. They were an alternative additional paper, that helped students score better in science subjects. According to recent report however, UNEB, it has been has scraped it off at Ordinary level.
Discussions were held amond different parties. A circular that was released by UNEB last week confirms that the move wil begin in 2018 next year.
Word from UNEB

circular from UNEB confirms the news.
UNEB executive secretary, said that these practical papers had been previously introduced to cater for schools and students that were finding it hard to adjust to science subjects when they were made compulsory. He also added that few students were now registering for the paper.
According to our sources, Ojongo, the Executive secretary mentioned;
“We realised that now there’s no need for that paper because now fewer, and fewer and fewer candidates now register for that Paper 5”
Dr Kedrace Turyagenda, the head of the Directorate of Education Standards also mentioned;
“UNEB’s move will help force private schools adhere to education standards and set up functional laboratories instead of borrowing from neighbouring schools all the time.”
Apparently this move will be more challenging to schools that still do not have well established laboratories. Those that have may however not be affected much. It will however make schools give the science subjects priority.
We trust UNEB to make the right choice that will geer Uganda’s education to success and glory.