100 shs Daily Tax To be Charged on all Social Media Users
From taxing Betting centers, to other activities around the country, the government is not giving up on increasing it’s revenue. After announcing that there will taxes charged on whoever is using Wats app, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other Social Media page, the amount has now been confirmed. There will be a daily charge of 100 Uganda shs worth of tax on every sim card that accesses social sites.
If you think this is worse, the government has also announced that there will be a 1 percent tax charged on every mobile money transaction. There will also be tax worth Shs100 on each litre of fuel bought. This is to aid in the maintenance of roads. Every Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (Sacco’s) must also pay 30 percent of their net profit.

These taxes have been developed to support industry, agriculture, finance and all the different sectors of the country. The State Minister for Planning, David Bahati said that these new taxes will begin to function on 1st July, once it has been approved from parliament.
The introduction of these taxes have been criticized and rebelled against by various human rights forums, and people on Social Media platforms. Many have considered it as a burden and suppression to human freedom. What do you think about this new move?