10 of the Most strange phobias you wont believe exist

10 of the Most strange phobias you wont believe exist;


heliophobia is actually defined as fear of the sun. Although it sounds harmless, it can actually be quite serious and lead to vitamin D deficiency as a result of staying indoors.

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Although some people with chaetophobia only fear loose or detached hair, others can be terrified by the hairs on their very own bodies


it’s the fear of being touched. This must be the theory of the 40 year old virgin.


imagine being scared of your oven, and your refrigerator, and every other household appliance you own. That is oikophobia.


It’s the irrational fear of wood, forests, and trees. Usually result of some long forgotten traumatic experience such as being beaten with a piece of wood or attacked in a forest.


There are people out there who are genuinely terrified of making decisions, they are known as decidophobes


For someone with descendophobia, walking down stairs or inclines can be a terrifying experience and many times they may get dizzy as well. On the other hand you could also have ascendophobia – fear of moving upwards.


A trypophobic someone scared of clustered holes usually found on various biological organisms.

So which one of these are you?

About this writer:

Desiree Miller

I'm a whole lot of "what not to expect."

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