Two Photos That Prove That Janet Mbugua And Daddy Owen Are Close, Very Close.
There is no artist half as self-less as Daddy Owen is. He is the perfect paragon of an exemplary artist. The epitome of selflessness. The artist who has given back to the society in kind. His contribution towards the less fortunate in our society is un-matched,. He has done to this day what many artists will never do in their entire lifetime..
When you are a good man, the fates shine down on you, open those flood gates of heaven and pour a heavy doses of blessings upon your head. Daddy Owen has grown as a brand, won countless awards and bagged accolades the world over. But while we say that prophets are not celebrated at home, Janet Mbugua Ndichu, the newly wedded Tv queen took a chance to shower praise on Daddy Owen in a series of photos that she captioned:
Click next to see the images.
Daddy Owen launches his Vanity Album next week.