Top Femcee Wangechi Releases Hot New Teaser (VIDEO)

For those of you who do not know the young femcee Wangechi, that is because you have been backwater born, bred but that is still no excuse! You live in a digital age. Nay, I can’t fault you too much today. The fault lays limp at the feet of her management team.

Wangechi is one of the most talented rappers in Kenya but her management team seem content on not really releasing and pushing her material. She is just being dangled like a tasty morsel to keep music lovers (who in this case embody the ass) going in exasperating anticipation.

Wangechi is everything you could ask for from a rapper, she is intelligent, has great diction and low pitched vocals. She also has an added advantage, she is beautiful. So why has her management team been fumbling about releasing her material? I know not.
She is a stallion to be let loose and allowed to run right through the gate and on to greatness instead of this befuddling, boggling and baffling bangle-job of a career projection which her her releasing 1 minute video teasers that just whet our appetite.

Anyway, away from rumblings from frustrated music lovers, let us get into this offering from the female rapper. Superb production work, the instrumentals are indeed way above what most Kenyans can produce and the vocals blend with the instrumentals well. But again, her management needs to understand entertainment! Read up on international and local successes -for the record, the artists kept bubbling never become huge. They always fall flat. Wangechi’s time has come so do your artist a favour and set her loose!

Check it out and enjoy:



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)