Top Comedian Chipukeezy Arrested and Shamelesly Undressed At The Airport

Comedian Chipukeezy pending tour to Dubai could be in trouble. This is after the comedian was rudely stopped, taken through some fierce interrogation and undressed by a set of rogues who appeared known to him who happened to have access to restricted sections of the airport.

Chipukeezy’s attempt to get to the airplane is halted first by two gentlemen and one after the other in a clearly coodrinated manner the rest cramp the diminutive comedian roughing up his luggage and throwing in incessant questions regarding his accreditation and purpose of travel.

Despite valinat efforts to explain himslef, the comedian finds himslef on the receiving end of a rahter humilaing experience with his pants undressed yet all this time he gets no help. Below is the video evidence of the rather sad and hilarious treatment the comedian underwent at the hand of his fellow stars and celebrities.



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A video posted by Amina Amaru (@aminaamaru) on

About this writer:

Liatema Munyu