I am tired of Kenya’s entertainment scene being all about marshmallows and rainbows! It’s time for a Ghafla List to end all speculation about who the hottest rappers are. This isn’t about looking for favours and trying to ingratiate myself to ingrates and rappers. This is about good music.

And which rappers in recent memory have been delivering that fire? No, Not Bamboo. We are still waiting on him to drop his musical offering -with alot of anticipation might I add. Not Abbas either. Definitely not P-Unit. They aren’t rappers, they are entertainers.

And for starters, no women made it on this list. Why? Xtatic’s stuff is old and so is STL’s. I would have added them here without hesitation if they had current stuff. The rest of you female rappers screech and squeak and yelp. Only these two are true rappers who can hold their own anywhere in Africa!

Now for the list:


#5. Kristoff

This was a tricky one. Kristoff took Jay A’s place. Why? Because of the “Dumbala Remix”. Grand Pa records aren’t a hiphop outfit. Kristoff however makes the list after holding his own -albeit barely when he featured Khaligraph Jones. Kristoff has also been bringing the heat of late and I hope he can keep it up or forever be relegated to the “never mind” category.


#4. Octopizzo

The lad has mad talent and no one is begrudging him that. He is literally a head and shoulders above the competition when it comes to rapping but off late, he has mellowed down and decided to do more adlibs than punchlines. He needs to get back to the era of “Make that mulla, buy that ndula!”, hapana “I got 8 balls o-o!”


#3. Kaka Sungura a.k.a Rabbit

His brand of hiphop is laid back but no one will contest the fact that he is an ill MC who spits that serious fire! He has punchlines for days and this is one of the only rappers in Kenya who remains lyrical but somehow manages to appeal to fans -i have been at his concerts and Kenyans actually sing along with him.


#2. Khaligraph Jones

Khaligraph Jones is hungry. He wants the crown and by jove he will get there. He isn’t playing games when he declares himself as the head honcho of Kenyan rap! And no one has the stones to challenge his claim! I doubt anyone will; save for Octo who has considerable pressure on his shoulders to respond with some hot reply of his own.


#1.  Juliani

This was very contentious. The team doesn’t feel he should be here. They think he transcends rap. I feel differently. Kenya doesn’t have a gospel rapper worthy of this list but they save face for #TeamJesus with Juliani carrying the flag up high.


Now tell your favourite rappers they didn’t make the cut!




About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)