Top 10 Most Listened To Radio Stations in Kenya
There are over 100 radio stations in Kenya; and with such a high number you may be wondering which radio stations the most are tuned in to. Well, the verdict is out; the leaders in the market have been declared.
Recently, the Kenya Audience Research Foundation (KARF) has just released the results for the second quarter for the radio listenership.
Leading the pack is Royal Media Services’ Citizen Radio with a mammoth listenership of 9.7M listeners. At a distant second is KBC’s Radio Taifa with 5.1M listeners which is followed closely by Radio Africa Group’s Radio Jambo which boasts of 4.1M listeners.
The others are Q FM, Milele FM, Kameme FM, Inooro FM, Kiss FM, Ramogi FM and Coro FM in that sequence.
Here’s the summary;