Timberlake And Esther Arunga Create Blog, Post About Uhuru Kenyatta Being The Most Hated Politician In The World

I recently came across a post that was shared on Facebook that was allegedly written by Quincy Timberlake that claims that Kenyan president Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta is the most hated politician on the face of the earth. The blog/website which looks like a propaganda tool has certain bold claims about the Uhuru Administration. Read some of the excerpts below:



Uhuru Kenyatta replaces Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei as the world’s most hated leader


“By winning the elections with a “massive landslide”, Uhuru has reminded the world of when populist Adolf Hitler won the German election by landslide in the early 1930s. President Uhuru now qualifies to be compared with the most vilified leaders in modern history. He joins the ranks of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Jan Perón, Augusto Pinochet, Ayatollah Khamenei, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Robert Mugabe, Jacob Zuma, Sani Abacha, Eydaemas of Togo, Mobutu Seseseko and others. The same Uhuru once attacked Kibaki saying his government was in disarray and expressed his admiration for the leadership style of his mentor Daniel arap Moi. According to Uhuru, during Moi’s time, there was a clear authority and, as a result, stability.

Wikileaks has revealed that Uhuru is planning to wipe out tribes that pose a threat to his dynasty. This was revealed in what was supposed to be a private conversation. Fortunately, thanks to the people at WikiLeaks, we are able to know what many of our leaders really think away from the cameras, through the thousands of cables the anti-secrecy campaign group released on the Internet.

The cable dated May 25, 2007 offered insights into what kind of president Kenyatta would like to be. There is no doubt about it. The Jubilee administration is trying to take the country back to the days of Moi and Kenyatta Senior.”


So essentially uhuru kenyatta is being compared to Hitler? what is this rot i am subjecting my eyes to? please be advised however that the views in that excerpt are not Ghafla’s own or the writer iof this particular article but rather the views of Quincy Timberlake and Esther Arunga.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)