This Young College Girl Shocked Many By Dramatically Fighting The Mighty Military Alone! On Thika Road (Photos)

What do you do when your car has been hit by some other motorist from behind,having just recently owned a car myself,and slowly acquainted myself with Road Rules,you stop your car right where the accident happened,turn it off,lock the windows and walk out of the car to meet the guy who just hit you.

You DO NOT move your car an inch. You’ve gotta stay at the scene of crime,if I may call it that. And no matter what,you must never allow the other guy to move his car too. You must stay right where it happened…Doesn’t matter whether it’s in the middle of a mad Highway or at some crazy intersection.

Now,at around 4pm yesterday evening,some young woman,driving a blue Toyota Aqua,number plate withheld,was driving along Thika Road when she took a turn under the bridge found around the beginning of the Eastern Bypass.

Following her closely behind,was a gigantic Army Lorry,jungle green in color,with a super powerful body,huge powerful wheels and an imposing,if intimidating look.

The Army Lorry must have been in a hurry to quickly exit the road under the bridge and as they did so,they slightly knocked into the car in front of them… The blue car.

Realizing that they had hit the car,and crashed the rear lights,the driver of the Military lorry attempted to flee the scene and get away as quickly as possible. But not so fast.

Unintimidated by the sheer size of the lorry,or the powerful sound of its blazing engine,or the mere thought of the fearsome men in it,the driver of the little blue car drove fast and caught up with them,and just as they attempted to drive even faster and get away from her,she hit the accelerator hard,drove even faster and parked RIGHT INFRONT OF THE HUGE LORRY.

Everyone gasped. They had never seen that.

Quickly,the door opened and out came a little girl with a little body frame and little height. Unbowed,she walked right up to the Military men and told them to their face ‘You’ve HIT MY CAR! AND BROKEN MY LEFT REAR LIGHT! Now,get down and let’s deal with this!’

Drama ensued,traffic came to a standstill,a crowd quickly gathered and the girl was unmoved.

The Military guys,still shocked,wondered how such a little girl,with a little blue car could DARE block their way. And command them around.

Immediately,she whipped out her phone and started making endless phone calls.

The Men in Uniform didn’t have a choice. They had to OBEY the girl who stood next to their mighty truck and made sure they went nowhere.

‘Haka kasichana ni nani!? Kanabishana na serikali!? ‘ Crowds started wondering.

‘Gaka kairetu kai ke na ngoma! Ino ni thirikari karapambana nayo uguo!?’ people wondered in Kikuyu.

A man in uniform walked up to her and tried comforting her,sweet talking her and asking her to move her car. SHE REFUSED.

‘sawa,zima simu tuongee basi… ‘she was told. Again,she REFUSED.


Nothing seemed to shake her,not the crowds,not the matatu drivers hooting incessantly,not the sight of the Army boys in full camouflage uniform and sturdy boots,not even the sight of the huge guns the military men were carrying.

She stood firm and stoop still,calling on her phone,standing right in front of the huge truck and shocking all who gathered. And throughout the whole madness,she didn’t remove her heart-shaped,rainbow sunglasses. She wore them through it all,and when even asked to remove them to enable the police to see her properly and communicate with her face to face,she still refused. Wow!

More officers came. And more. And more. Still,SHE REFUSED TO MOVE. Or be moved.

“Labda huyu ni msichana wa Mheshimiwa. Ama mtoto wa Governor… ‘ People whispered to themselves.

‘Sijawai ona mtu akiharakisha askari hivi! Huyu ni wa kwanza… ‘

‘Hi,can I get your photo!? ‘ I asked.’ I am from the Media….Can I take a photo of you?’


‘Wow! You’re courageous! I want to write about you…About this incident…’


‘Fine. Can I get your number? Will call you when all this Madness is over ‘


I gave up and stepped aside.

‘Kamesemaje!?’ A friend asked.

I didn’t talk. I walked into my little car. Drove off. And haven’t forgotten what I saw. I probably never will.

P.S: I don’t know what happened after that. We left them there,almost two hours later. I don’t even have any photo of her. Don’t even know her name. But man,that’s a GIRL and a half!

21 gun salute!


(See pics on the Next Page)
























NOTE: The lead photo used in this article,of a young black model,is NOT the photo of the girl in this story. 

About this writer:

Cabu Gah