This is Why Thika road’s Garden City Is Trending WorldWide.
Yesterday, 3 people were arrested at the Thika Road Mall Garden City after one of them was apprehended wielding an explosive device which was meant to be used at the newly opened Garden City mall.
The mall had to be evacuated pending an in depth combing of the premises for other explosives that might have been smuggled in. The anti-terror police managed to neutralize the make-to-do device that composed of wires and a cheap cellular phone
The inspector general of police described the paraphernalia as an amateurish collection of wires and and a phone and not at IED as it was made to look like. (IED- Improvised Explosive Device)
Reports today indicate that there was no explosive device found at Garden City Mall; just phones strapped with wires and tape.
BBC even run a story on the same which you can read here