This Is Why The Elite Police Department Was Trailing Boniface Mwangi Over The Weekend (Photo)
It appears that Kenya’s police force can be either easily be gullible by misinformation or just lack hence being quite overzealous to be engaged in much ado about nothing.
This can be seen in the recent revelation by Boniface Mwangi that there was a security brief asking security personnel to be extra vigilant on his weekend activities when his organization Pawa254 organized the Pawa Festival.
The event was quite a treat of arts featuring a range of spoken word performances, live band music and both sketch, portrait and spray artists. It saw big names like Sarabi, Teardrops and Checkmate perform and was graced by dignitaries like US ambassador Bob Godec attend.
Somehow, it appears, the whole of Nairobi including the City Council was aware of the event and what it involved hence the permission to close down part of City Hall Way. All except the police department. Here is the security brief that was circulated to all departments