This Is Why Pastor Kathy Kiuna Is Not Bothered about Her Daughter’s Drinking, Wearing Bikinis and Her Other ‘Wild Ways’

Stephanie Kiuna’s private life has been under public scrutiny for a while now. With people picking out photos of her having fun and tearing her apart for not behaving like a pastor’s child. Her hanging out with shisha-smokers, drinking, riding a amatory-bike and wearing a bikini have been described as ‘wild’ by many holier-than-though folks who forget that the pastors and their daughter are two different people.

Pastor Kathy said that people should stop putting so much pressure on pastor’s children. “Please leave pastor’s children alone, they are not the pastors, they are not called, it’s the pastors who are called. You don’t have to put that light on their children that they have to do this and be in this class or do this and the other. It is very wrong.” She said.


The Kiuna sisters

“I remember my children would come home crying.” Kathy says in regards to her children getting judged when they are just trying to have fun and socialize with their friends.

But Kathy and Allan Kiuna will not be losing sleep anytime over how their children chose to live their lives or what the blogs and people say about them. “Live your life. You are a child, just grow.”Kathy often tells her kids and the reason for this is that she does not want to force her kids to get her God; she wants them to consciously choose God and chose the right path without them forcing religion down their throat.


Kathy and her 16 year old son Jeremy

And in the same note, Kathy revealed why parishioners would not be allowed to swagger into her home unannounced .

She disclosed that her house is a sanctuary for family and not just anyone can walk into her house, even as a pastor, they are entitled to some time-out and bonding with their children.

“The life of pastor-ing has to come with balance or any form of leadership. So when it comes to my children, my home first and foremost is not a church home. When you come to my home you have to have an appointment, because I have an office for church and other things. My home is for me and my children so that was something that I was very clear about from the very beginning. So that I could give my children time especially in the evening.

I like to cook and have dinner with my children and instil good morals so balancing work and my family was very key for me.” she said. while speaking to Lillian Muli on Citizen Weekend’s segment ‘Women In Power’


Kathy Kiuna certainly sounds like a very good mum.

About this writer:

Sue Watiri