This Is Why Mohammed Ali Has Dragged Ngina, Muhoho And Jomo Kenyatta Into Rio Fiasco
Moha has linked Uhuru’s kids to Rio Olympic fiasco even as National Olympics Committee of Kenya (NOCK) officials are being arrested.
Something was totally amiss even before Team Kenya left for Rio; athletes refused to board a plane after realizing their colleague, Julius Yego, had no ticket.
Thereafter, some athlete spent a night in the slums of Rio after Olympic Village was closed before NOCK secured their tickets back home.
NOCK has been blamed for all the misfortunes that befell Team Kenya. Police have been arresting NOCK official after it emerged that they carried their families, friends, and lovers to Rio.
Apparently NOCK officials gave their loved ones a special treat at the expense of Kenyan athletes who barely surviving in Rio.
While all the blame has squarely been laid on NOCK officials, Mohammed Ali begs to differ. He dragged the President’s kids into the scandal saying NOCK officials were only emulating what State House does/did.
Moha was referring to a case where Ngina, Muhoho and Jomo Kenyatta accompanied their mother to a conference abroad when their presence there was not necessarily needed.
The KTN journalist termed NOCK scandal as ‘Fuata Nyayo Philosophy’.