This Is Where The 2 Boys Were Discovered…And How They Were Discovered…This Is How Their Bodies Looked…This Is What They Were Wearing…And This Is Who Found Them.

The search is over. The bodies of the 2 remaining sons of the Late Paul Magu and his Wife the Late Lydia Magu have finally been found. The bodies were discovered earlier today,at exactly 12.46pm by a Woman hired as a security guard at the expansive coffee estate bordering Tatu City.

I arrived at Tatu City at around 15.23pm. I t was a long,long winding struggle in our attempts to try and trace the location of the crime. At Tatu City,in Ruiru,there is an expansive coffee plantation that covers what I would believe is thousands and thousands of acres. And,in between the neat coffee rows,are wide murram roads through which the cars pass as the owners of the coffee farms access the sweeping farm.

I was in a hired taxi and my taxi driver and I spent close to half an hour traversing the spacious coffee farm…We used numerous roads,ended up in dead ends,drove through bushes and thickets,craned our heads out,bumped into pools and swamps and dams…lost direction,lost internet and phone network…drove back…drove around and drove frantically and idly for half an hour..stopping passers-by ,stopping boda boda riders..asking them all the same question…

“Hao watoto wamepatikana,wamepatikana wappi?”

And everyone had the same answer….”Aki sijui….”

We drove round and round…Up little hills and down grassy plateaus…Until we spotted a police van at a distance…We approached the Police Van…and as we neared it,we saw more vehicles approaching the van from behind too.

“Hey Boss…Tunatafuta ile mahali wale watoto wamepatikana…” I said to the Police Man on the drivers’ seat.

‘Shika hii njia…Mueeendeeee…Mpaka mwisho…” He answered.

We followed instructions…And ended up at a much clearer scene..From where we saw a pack of packed vehicles and quite a crowd. We also saw police vans and a Garden Estate Primary School Van.

There was a strong smell of decaying bodies in the air…And people had a sullen countenance on their faces…

Here I introduce to You how they were found…And WHO FOUND them…

I have translated her words…

“My name is Josephine Wambui Githua. I am a security guard here…My work is to basically patrol the area,make sure it is safe and basically run my job as the watchwoman of the expansive coffee estate. On Monday,I was patrolling this very area we are standing. I sensed a foul smell. Like the smell of a dead dog or hyena. I alerted my fellow guard and she came and smelt the same repellant odor too..

Immediately,we started searching for the origin of the disgusting smell. We hadn’t searched for more than 10 minutes before I received a phone call from My Boss. He told me to go to the other side of the farm quickly. I asked why. He didn’t tell Me.

I rushed over to the other side of the huge farm…And,there we found horror. The body of a girl was lying in a thicket. She was dressed smartly,but her body looked appalling. She had a spots allover her badly-charred body. Like a leopard or a Cheetah. Her hands were rotten. And her neck was deeply cut.

Back up was called and after almost 5 hours,It was time to move the body. We were told by the police to move it. And as we tried to move it,I realized something that almost knocked me down. The girl’s neck had almost totally been cut off.Her head was hanging by just a thread of flesh…It was horrific! We couldn’t move the body. We dropped it in horror and told the Police to summon other people to move the girl’s badly decomposed body. Street boys were searched. And found. And they wrapped up the body in gunny sacks and hauled it into a waiting Police Van.

Now,today Morning,after hearing about the children’s story on Inooro FM,I told my colleague…(In Kikuyu)

“Tucoke haria turari Monday. Tucarie nikii kiu kiranugaga uguuo . Nokorwo ni miiri ya twana turia diraigua kameme-ini…’

TRANSLATION: Lets go back to the scene of where we sensed the foul smell on Monday. We search for what was producing such a bad smell. It could be the bodies of the boys I am hearing of on the Radio…

They did. And the search started. They searched and searched and searched. And by 12.45pm,Josephine saw what she was searching for. At first she saw a shoe…And then another shoe…


‘I saw a black shoe…then I moved closer…And right across it I saw another shoe. I was stunned. And called my colleague to join Me. I moved deeper into the thorny bushes..right into the acacia trees…And the nasty smell became stronger. And stronger…Looking around,I saw a black trouser…I took a stick,flipped the trouser and saw the worst! I saw a spine. A small human spine! I looked closer…Looked all around and then I saw a skull. A human skull…With no eyes,no hair, Nothing. I was stunned.

We moved closer…And searched further…we realized that the trouser was still fit into the decayed leg bones of the boys.

We searched further…And then we discovered the other body. First we saw shoes..And socks…And then we saw small legs. We moved closer..And saw a head right beside the body. The boy’s head. It was badly rotten. And,looking at the boy’s stomach,too,It was totally rotten and stinking too. The lower part of the second boy’s body was still dressed in clothes. A black,smart trouser. But the hands were totally gone…Probably eaten up by the potent power of the acid.

We immediately called our boss form the Office,who was almost a mile away…

We told him,”Uka narua! Ukai na andu…”

TRANSLATION: Come Quickly,Come with People!

He asked what was wrong. We told him that we couldn’t discuss it on phone.

“Ukai Muiyonere…” We said. TRANSLATION: Come,see for Yourselves…

In half an hour,Our Boss had come with more senior People in the Coffee Farm Estate…From Our security Director to the Manager to the other Bosses…Police were summoned too…And,within 20 minutes,locals started filling up the place…

And here we are …Those are the bodies…And they are so badly mutilated,so disgusting,so decayed,You just cannot look at them…

Some parts are actually missing..Like a hand and a leg…Etc..

We suspect they were eaten up by hyenas and dogs around these bushes……

And here is Paul Magu’s Brother thanking the Media,Social media and everyone at large who was involved in the intensive search for the Boy’s bodies. The funeral is on.9th December 2014. That is,Tuesday,Next Week.

And some general photos of the bush and thicket…

May God rest the souls of these little,vulnerable boys and girl in eternal peace. This is too much to bear. Way too much. I will need a week to recover from this. You probably will too.

God guide and protect Us all…..



About this writer:

Cabu Gah