This Is The Must See Movie coming Out! And You Can Catch It At Starflix!

Are you a manly man? Did you enjoy the Denzel Washington classic: Training Day? Do you like gritty movies? Well, then this is the movie for you! If you enjoy sensible action flicks and movies that aren’t all “la ti da” about the violence, this movie I am about to introduce is one you do not one to miss.

And the movie I am talking about is none other than:


And that is ever since I saw the trailer which I will share with you below:


Two cops, one a DEA and the other Special Ops set each other up in a robbery then have to work together to keep safe from drug dealers -turns out the money they stole belonged to a drug dealer. You need to watch this movie! And Starflix is where it will premiere!

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)