This Is How Sarah Hassan Looks Dressed Like A Swahili Housewife Without Makeup (Photo)

Many a times you only get to see her face when she’s wearing makeup. Have you ever wondered how Sarah Hassan looks without it?

Sarah Hassan is an A list celebrity who is placed among some of the hottest celebrities who have ever graced the screens. Her refined beauty lured many to keep up with Tahidi High.

Years have elapsed but Sarah’s beauty is still glowing brighter than a full moon. You can’t deny makeup has boosted her appearance or is it not?

So, how does the ex Tahidi High actress look without maquillage? Mhh not bad, I have seen worse. Some celebrities have pulled  makeup free photos and it had been nothing but a disaster.

Sarah Hassan is still an eye-candy with or without makeup, Her alluring beauty is natural, cosmetics only bolsters her appearance.

The actress was seen posing in a Swahili dress with nothing to ‘boost’ her look and this is how she looked;



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere