This Has To Be The Most Shocking Confession On Maina And King’ang’i In The Morning

Maina and King’ang’i has been a show that has allowed some of the dregs of society to air their twisted confessions but one certain lady in particular has stood out. One sadistic being has managed to chill my otherwise stoic spine and I had to comment about this issue.


Today, a certain female lady called in to tell Kenyans that she tortured her husband’s son by scalding his private parts with boiling water. The rather callous woman called in to regal the nation in her sadomasochist endeavour that saw her torture her step son.

And if you think my being shocked is nothing, well then gents and dimes, Maina and King’ang’i have heard it all. They have seen it all. But even they were shaken to the core. Maina Kageni took to his Facebook page to share just how shaken he was:



The morning conversation has taken a new twist …have you heard that lady who called in?? How can she damage a child like that? I cannot get myself over that. I cannot beleive she did that to a child. How can she do that to a small boy? Shock!


About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)