This Girl With A Gaping Hole In Her Heart Needs Your Help To Survive (Photos)

Doctors says she suffers from a condition called Truncus arteriosus; a rare type of heart disease that occurs at birth.

Hoping against hope, Mr. and Mrs. Adongo were able to honor the appointed with Dr. Jowi at Hurlingham Hearts Clinic in Nairobi for further examination of their daughter, Emily Atieno. The news was nothing better. Emily could only be saved through open heart surgery which is not offered in Kenya.

The family of Mr. and Mrs. Adongo is now required to raise 1.5 million Kenya Shillings for travel and medical expenses to India for Emily’s treatment. Unfortunately, Emily’s condition requires urgent medical attention.

The family can’t afford to raise the required amount needed for their daughter to be operated on. It’s for this reason that they have send public plea requesting well wishers to chip in contributions and help the young one get the urgent medical treatment in India.

Kindly help them save their daughter’s life. You can send your contribution to:

Medical Paybill No. 317111

For further information call or email:

Telephone no.+254728629726

Email: [email protected]



Her condition was highlighted on QTV. Watch the clip below;

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere