Thirst Galore: Chick Magnet Nick Mutuma Tells A Married Brenda Wairimu He Would Marry Her

Could Nick Mutuma be making advances on Brenda Wairimu because she’s in a ‘come we stay’ marriage with Juliani??

TV hunk Nick Mutuma boasts of dating some of the hottest chicks in town. Bridget Shighadi and Tanasha are some of the eye candies that have enjoyed Nick’s warmth.

But it seems Nick would rather drive to sunset with Juliani’s wife. Nick and Brenda Wairimu make the perfect celebrity couple that was never to be.


“#TBT Brenda Wairimu in another life we’d be married by now Tumetoka mbali sana aiseh. Looking forward to our latest project @romcomke Kenya’s first Romantic comedy.” Nick captioned photo grid with Brenda Wairimu.

Ahem! Nick wasn’t really thirsting after Brenda Wairimu, the two are actually starring in a romantic comedy that’s why Nick could afford to say he would marry Brenda Wairimu. Otherwise Juliani and his Dandora brigade would be baying for his blood already!


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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere